
Saturday, April 30, 2011

`slideshow 54” no. 2011-04-29 ́ . exhibition view at Konstfack 2011 
a slideshow of collected/found objects that are recorded in sound and text
54 min loop, 40 objects, always in progress

The sound-slideshow-installation plays with the curiosity of the spectator and demands/asks a lot of patience.
The taken photograph of the collected object has the duration of the underlaying soundtrack which is only hearable with the headphones. So it becomes a choice to participate or not and triggers also the curiousity of the spectator who sometimes has to wait in order to hear the sound. There is no narration in the slideshow itself, so the spectator is free to stay and listen as long as he wants to.
Referring to the attention that I payed to the objects and the value I award them, I would like to activate a recognition of these interests in the common object and give the spectator the chance to rethink his observation and perception of his surrounding.

text example 

`tok tok tok tok tok tok toktoktok tok tok klak klak klak
heel ... made out of wood and ... rubber its black from the outside and the part which was adapted to the shoe is just normal wood like ... no color on it. you can see the ... ... ... I think its like .. were the nails were ... could be ... and ehm where the rubber is there is a structure to get more grip on the street and there ́s also a name on it like Indiana Top Men. I think it was from a man ́s shoe. Someone lost it, like I lost my own heel and ... when I was searching for my own heel for my shoes I found that one. I found also my own heel but now I have another one aswell. ...I can ́t tell the size ... ... but someone is missing a heel from his shoe.

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